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A Definitional Taxonomy for (Geo)Thermal Energy Networks

August 26, 2024
This study introduces a taxonomy for geothermal energy networks (GENs) to clarify terminology, connect design choices to outcomes, and support the development of statutory language and regulatory frameworks for scaling utility-scale geothermal and thermal energy networks.
Geothermal Networks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

The First Open-Source Database for Geothermal Networks

August 26, 2024
This study addresses the knowledge gap in optimizing geothermal networks—clean, scalable alternatives to fossil fuels—by introducing a systematic approach for comparing systems, creating an open-source database, and identifying key parameters to guide design, performance, and cost optimization, supporting widespread adoption and decarbonization efforts.
Geothermal Networks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

A National Network of Geothermal Drilling Centers of Excellence

July 1, 2024
The Geothermal Market Capacity Coalition's white paper on establishing regional Geothermal Drilling Centers of Excellence (Geo-CoEs), beginning in the Northeast, that work to relieve the shortage of geothermal drillers and drill rigs needed to produce ground heat exchangers.
Human Factors
Geothermal Networks

Leaked & Combusted

May 7, 2024
Commissioned by HEET and written by economist Dr. Dorie Seavey, this report examines strategies for reducing the hidden costs of methane emissions and transitioning off gas.
Gas Leaks

A simple method to measure methane emissions from indoor gas leaks

November 30, 2023
Authors develop and test a simple and widely deployable closed chamber method that can be used for quantifying indoor methane emissions with an order-of-magnitude precision which allows for screening of indoor large volume (“super-emitting”) leaks.
Gas Leaks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

Philadelphia’s Gas Pipe Replacement Plan: How much will it cost and does it make sense?

March 1, 2023
Commissioned by HEET and written by economist Dr. Dorie Seavey, this report finds that Philadelphia Gas Works is projected to spend up to $8 billion over the next 35 years on new gas mains and service lines.
Gas Leaks

From Gas to Geo

October 1, 2022
A video created in-house that explains HEET’s innovative networked geothermal model and the momentum it’s gaining as a clean energy solution for heating and cooling.
Geothermal Networks

Inefficient Building Electrification Will Require Massive Buildout of Renewable Energy and Seasonal Energy Storage

July 13, 2022
A study by researchers from HEET, Harvard University and Boston University modeling the efficiency of different electrification technologies.
Peer-Reviewed Scientific
Human Factors

Home Is Where the Pipeline Ends: Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds Present in Natural Gas at the Point of the Residential End User

June 28, 2022
A study by HEET, Harvard, and PSE Healthy Energy finds chemical contamination in natural gas delivered to homes.
Gas Leaks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

Significant Environmental Impact (SEI) Natural Gas Leaks: Shared Action Plan Year 2

February 9, 2022
HEET worked with Gas Safety Inc to perform independent verification and repair surveying of a random sampling of the utility-reported SEIs. This program is a first-in-the nation model, indicating that gas distribution companies can successfully identify and repair the gas leaks that emit the most methane in order to cut emissions most efficiently.
Gas Leaks

An environmental justice analysis of distribution-level natural gas leaks in Massachusetts, USA

January 1, 2022
A study by HEET and Salem State University that examined over 26,000 gas leaks in relation to demographic groups. Findings show that low-income and communities of color, as well as renters, limited English-speaking households and adults with lower levels of education, are disproportionately exposed to gas leaks and that leak repairs are comparatively slower for these populations.
Gas Leaks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific
Human Factors

Charrette #9 Growing Networked Geothermal

November 10, 2021
HEET’s Growing Networked Geothermal charrette, participants shared knowledge about how to achieve state emission reduction goals while delivering accessible and affordable energy. In breakout groups, the 37 charrette attendees were asked to act as regulators and consider the challenges and opportunities of different electrification pathways and how each could impact customer heating bills in the future.
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Charrette #8 Legislation & Regulation

September 15, 2021
HEET’s eighth charrette reviewed the legislative and regulatory frameworks needed to support different phases of networked geothermal development and deployment. Participants discussed new and pending climate legislation in Massachusetts, along with decarbonization planning efforts. Speakers familiar with the legislation presented, in addition to a representative from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Charrette #7 Community Site Review

August 2, 2021
HEET hosted its Community Site Review Charrette at District Hall Innovation Center in Boston, MA with both in person and virtual attendees. This charrette examined four promising sites identified by Eversource Gas for potential inclusion in their Geothermal Pilot Program and provided an opportunity for Eversource to gather community input on its site selection process. Early and continual engagement with the community and key stakeholders will be key to the program’s success.
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Charrette #6 Workforce

June 16, 2021
At HEET’s Workforce Charrette, participants from both organized labor and the gas industry discussed the scope of work needed to build networked geothermal systems as a replacement for natural gas, along with opportunities for job creation and career advancement.
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Charrette #5 Design

May 26, 2021
HEET hosted its Design Charrette to identify key design considerations for networked ground source heat pumps and compare systems to find an optimal design. The charrette included presentations on four different installations by designers, contractors and utility representatives. Presenters shared their experiences and supported short discussions on each project. This report captures a summary of the case studies and related discussion.
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Repair Failures Call for New Policies to Tackle Leaky Natural Gas Distribution Systems

May 3, 2021
A study by HEET team members and associates assessing the effectiveness of repair policies in the Massachusetts natural gas distribution system through state-wide utility data, on-site empirical measurements, stakeholder interviews, and document and legal analysis.
Gas Leaks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

Significant Environmental Impact (SEI) Natural Gas Leaks: Shared ACtion Plan Year 1

April 27, 2021
HEET worked with Gas Safety Inc to perform independent verification and repair surveying of a random sampling of the utility-reported SEIs. This program is a first-in-the nation model, indicating that gas distribution companies can successfully identify and repair the gas leaks that emit the most methane in order to cut emissions most efficiently.
Gas Leaks

Charrette #4 Building Retrofits

April 21, 2021
At HEET’s Building Retrofits Charrette, participants shared approaches and best practices for retrofitting buildings as they transition to ground source heat pumps for residential heating and cooling in networked geothermal installations. The charrette included presentations by speakers experienced in making buildings more energy efficient and in installing heating and cooling equipment.
Community Charrettes
Human Factors

HEET Site Selection Checklist

March 21, 2021
An initial checklist for first networked geothermal installations in Massachusetts
Geothermal Networks

Charrette #3 Outreach Report

March 17, 2021
The purpose of this two-hour charrette, on March 17th, was to begin to develop outreach to potential building owners, tenants, and occupants participating in the initial GeoMicroDistrict installations.
Geothermal Networks
Community Charrettes

Charrette #2 Data Collection Report

February 17, 2021
The two-hour February 17th charrette covered questions we want answered by the pilots and therefore the data we need to collect.
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Charrette #1 Site Selection Report

January 27, 2021
The first two-hour charrette took place on Jan 21st to develop a list of site selection criteria. Each working group developed criteria for specific viewpoints. This report is a summary of the stakeholders recommendations.
Community Charrettes
Geothermal Networks

Gas vs Induction Cook-off

May 20, 2020
This presentation uses tests of speed, power, versatility, precision, and control, to answer the question: Is ‘cooking with gas’ a thing of the past?
Induction Cooking

Learning From The Ground Up

May 1, 2020
HEET’s proposal to the Department of Energy with plans for how to evaluate upcoming networked geothermal demonstration projects in Massachusetts.
Geothermal Networks

The Shared Action Plan

March 1, 2019
This report documents the progress of this first-in-the-nation program and reports on the use of this new identification protocol - the leak extent method - to identify and repair leaks of significant environmental impact (SEIs) in the 2018 dig season in Columbia Gas, Eversource Gas, and National Grid Gas territories.
Gas Leaks

Buro Happold Feasibility Study

January 1, 2019
HEET commissioned Buro Happold to assess the feasibility of implementing geothermal networks in Massachusetts.
Geothermal Networks
Human Factors

Taste the Future: Event Kit

November 1, 2018
Taste the Future events explain how to cook faster and better, while improving your indoor air quality and caring for the planet. We will help you organize your event. This kit will help you host a fun, informative and memorable event.
Induction Cooking

Taste the Future Overview

January 1, 2018
HEET and Mothers Out Front answer question about the benefits of induction stoves, how they work, and how to use them.
Induction Cooking

Induction Cooking Overview

January 1, 2018
How to cook faster, healthier, safer and smarter with induction stoves.
Induction Cooking

Gas Is the Past Overview

January 1, 2018
This pamphlet delineates the risk natural gas carries, to our health and our planet.
Induction Cooking

HEET Generic RFP for a Networked Geothermal Franchise Agreement

January 1, 2018
This generic request for proposals (RFP) is intended for a municipality that seeks to offer a networked geothermal franchise to a third-party designer, installer and owner.
Geothermal Networks

Large Volume Leak Study: Slide Deck

July 1, 2017
Researchers measured the emissions of gas leaks using various methods, and identified both the most efficient gas leak measuring tools and what constitutes a large gas leak in need of immediate repair.
Gas Leaks

Fixing our Pipes: Coordinating Natural Gas Main Replacement between Local Governments and Gas Companies

January 1, 2016
In 2015 MAPC, partnering with HEET, secured a Technical Assistance Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration to identify mechanisms to help gas companies and cities and towns replace pipe more efficiently and possibly accelerate the 20 to 25 year timetable. The grant funded a study of municipality and gas company coordination as well as independent gas leak surveys.
Gas Leaks

Fugitive methane emissions from leak-prone natural gas distribution infrastructure in urban environments

January 1, 2016
A study on methane emissions from natural gas systems in Metro Boston, which identifies the threats posed by “superemitter” leaks and proposes a two-part leak classification system that reflects both the safety and climatic impacts of natural gas leaks.
Gas Leaks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

Direct Measurements Show Decreasing Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Local Distribution Systems in the United States

December 12, 2015
A study investigating fugitive emissions through a national methane emissions measuring program located across 13 urban distribution systems within the U.S. 
Gas Leaks
Peer-Reviewed Scientific

The Honest Book

January 1, 2013
HEET has worked in hundreds of buildings from tiny homes to historic churches, teaching over 3,000 volunteers hands-on skills in energy efficiency. Within this book, these tasks are explained in clear, simple language.
Energy Efficiency
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